Saturday, September 10, 2011

Minecraft 1.8 Pre-Release

Minecraft 1.8 has been semiofficially been pre-released.

You can download the .jar here
Put that .jar in the .Minecraft/bin folder
Probably would be a good idea to back up the original first.

I am going to attempt to update the server to the "pre-release" version. But to prevent errors that may occur in not using an "official" version I am saving the originals to a separate place as a back-up.

Just tried it, the old map was kind of buggy, and I figure since its a limited time thing and we are trying a "test" version, we will use a new World for a few days for fun. Just a quick vacation from our normal world guys. Don't stress. 

1 comment:

  1. I had heard that 1.8 wouldn't be stable with pre-1.8 maps. From what I've gathered, making a new map and importing a few bits from the old map would work fine though.
