Saturday, April 30, 2011

update on things.

I will get around to adding in the floating islands later, probably today. I have started work on the public transportation for this map. If you want a train station by your place, please request it. Most people are not interested in transportation around their house. I have it going from my place which I'm converting one floor into a hotel for guests, and have had the rails successfully reach the underwater city. I built a (temporary) train station into the light house which is there for ease and convenience. It was literally the same height as my raised rail system. I will see if Mimouroto minds having it on the side when I see him online. Its not the most flattering addition so I am guessing he would like it moved.
Also bugs, and crashing. More than the usual.
I took some screen shots of squid out on his daily flight.
Rising out of the sea

He comes and swoops around, taunting me with his ability of flight.

See ya bitches! I AM FREE!

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