Saturday, April 30, 2011

update on things.

I will get around to adding in the floating islands later, probably today. I have started work on the public transportation for this map. If you want a train station by your place, please request it. Most people are not interested in transportation around their house. I have it going from my place which I'm converting one floor into a hotel for guests, and have had the rails successfully reach the underwater city. I built a (temporary) train station into the light house which is there for ease and convenience. It was literally the same height as my raised rail system. I will see if Mimouroto minds having it on the side when I see him online. Its not the most flattering addition so I am guessing he would like it moved.
Also bugs, and crashing. More than the usual.
I took some screen shots of squid out on his daily flight.
Rising out of the sea

He comes and swoops around, taunting me with his ability of flight.

See ya bitches! I AM FREE!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mapedy Map

Enjoy. With ingame maps coming soon, I may be lazy on these.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Server Up

Fixed it

Server Down

Link to problem
[SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    at fq.<clinit>(SourceFile:65)
    at ly.<clinit>(SourceFile:211)
    at mv.<clinit>(SourceFile:6)
    at dy.<clinit>(SourceFile:62)
    at dl.<clinit>(SourceFile:95)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at fl.a(SourceFile:74)
    at lh.a(SourceFile:178)
    at gk.a(SourceFile:42)
    at gn.e(SourceFile:98)
    at gn.c(SourceFile:51)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(SourceFile:199)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.c(SourceFile:145)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at fk.<init>(SourceFile:37)
    at ic.<init>(SourceFile:17)
    at cq.<clinit>(SourceFile:20)
    ... 18 more

This is the issue I get when starting the server. Looking into it, also Portal 2..... so yeah.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

4/16/11 Map

Night time map for a change, see what a difference your lights make, or not make.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Underwater Adventure

I got the basic place up for the underwater civilization. Its labeled on the map in a previous entry on this blog. I made a hub, and tunnel to my house. Please feel free to use the box of supplies in the hub that should have dirt and glass to make any additions you would like. My place is in the upper right hand corner from walking in.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just as a reminder

At times I do have thunder storms. And seeing as how I run this server out of my cave, I do occasionally turn off and unplug my computer when there is a thunder storm. Just a warning to those in the future who play Minecraft when my house is under siege from electricity falling from the sky.


Some people are a little confused on how to build underwater. So here goes a tutorial. You only really need dirt and whatever material you want to frame your underwater house with, I used glass.
First things first you need to dig down and make a tunnel to the open water. Count from the surface how deep down you plan on having your under water tunnel and dig that many squares down.

Carve everything you can out of the way as you carve your way to sea.

This is what the tunnel to the sea looks like from the surface.

Alright, your tunnel has reached open water. Head out and go for a swim and find the hole you made from underwater. Seal it up and mark it so you know where it is.

Under water pictures did not turn out, so I recreating the tunnel on the surface so we can see. Start from where you sealed up your tunnel, and start placing dirt in the same space your tunnel has. in my case my tunnel was 4x4, so I continued placing 4x4 dirt from where I marked the tunnel.
Then you start putting a material around as a casing. In my case I used glass, so I can have the underwater tube look.
I finished casing my tunnel, now I added a little home on the end. I made this giant block of dirt to start framing the glass around.
All the glass is on, time to go back to the entrance of the tunnel and start digging.
I started digging out all the dirt I placed earlier, now instead of water in the tunnel you should be seeing nothing but air and glass.

Here is the real underwater tunnel I made.

If you leave just one pocket of water when placing the dirt you will run into a water pocket like this one when digging. Just throw some dirt on it and continue digging.

Reached my house I made underwater.

And here is the house when it was cleared of dirt.

Labeled Map

New community coming up

Im calling Sandrock as finished for right now. I put diamond shovels in the appropriate places for those who contributed. For those who still would like to build there, go right ahead.
The next project I will post later tonight as well as some handy instructions on how to build it. Its going to be under da sea themed. I also plan on posting a version of the map with landmarks labeled so new people can find things easier.
Also the reward for participating in the next project will be a diamond shovel. I hope to see people build some common areas and things that benefit the community that fit the theme. I will post an announcement in the steam group so people can comment and make lists of things they would like to see in the under sea community.