Thursday, September 30, 2010


Tell me if the server seems faster at all, the CPU has yet to come in, (scheduled tomorrow) but that should effect me more than it does you. Also traveling in all sorts of directions should result in less lag, as well as uncovering new land and filling out the map shouldn't have the same effect as experiencing a resonance cascade.
Give her a try and let me know.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monsters = True

Ive gone and turned monsters on for the time being. None can attack, and that goes for creepers so you wont have to worry property damage.
I figured its a good way to tell where we don't have enough light. Maybe we can light our towns and homes better so we will be safe from attacks (and more importantly property damage) when monsters go live.
Edit 9/29/10 1:07 pm
I was wrong on the "no property damage" thing, I assumed since no other monsters were attacking that creepers wouldn't either. I have turned monsters off again. Also I will be fixing the church. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No Power = No Server

Well the power is going down in my town for about the whole night. It starts late, but I am also tired and will be heading to bed early which means a no server night.

On the bright side I got some new parts for the computer coming in soon, hopefully increase the power to the server.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New Map

I got he newest version of our map finished, and made professionally in ms paint. Its not great but gets the job done. Russia is not present on the map as it is too big. I also claimed a little land south of my current that I had previously accredited to ShiningRayde. The reason being that I think if we uncover a little more map to the west of the tree farm he will have more land than he knows what do with. If this is not the case I will alter it again.

Dynamic IP

Ive emailed out a new IP address to those who play on the server. My ISP keeps changing my IP address I guess. If anyone has trouble in the future with connecting to the server, see if I'm on Steam. If Steam isn't up it pretty much means the server is down.
Here is the relevant link that briefly explains my dynamic IP problem.

Welcome to Super Neo Gaia X 2 Gaiden Turbo HD Remix

This is where I will post updates to everyone's favorite small time Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Server. Cartographs, map updates as well a few screen shots will be posted here. Feel free to leave comments.